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Home / Whirlpool 185 L Direct Cool Single Door 3 Star Refrigerator(Wine Chromium, 200 IMPC PRM 3S WINE)

Whirlpool 185 L Direct Cool Single Door 3 Star Refrigerator(Wine Chromium, 200 IMPC PRM 3S WINE)

Faster Ice Making - This refrigerator's Insulated Capillary Technology coupled with a powerful compressor gives you Faster Ice Making. Up to 12 Hours of Cooling Retention - Powered by the 6THSENSE PowerCool Technology and Insulated Capillary Technology, this refrigerator can keep its environment cool for up to 12 hours, which is a boon during power cuts. "Insulated Capillary Technology *This refrigerator delivers better compressor efficiency, faster cooling and enhanced cooling retention, thanks to the Insulated Capillary Technology. This technology ensures that the capillary, which is responsible for carrying the refrigerant from the compressor to the freezer, is surrounded by cold gas." *"Laminar Air Flow This refrigerator facilitates uniform cooling throughout the refrigerator through special cooling vents that regulate air in a Laminar Flow" *"Stabiliser-free OperationTo protect this fridge from electrical damage during voltage fluctuations (130V - 300V), this refrigerator has an inbuilt stabiliser."

₹ 16900.00

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