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Home / SanDisk SDCZ48-064G-I35 64 GB Pen Drive(Black)

SanDisk SDCZ48-064G-I35 64 GB Pen Drive(Black)

Buy SanDisk SDCZ48-064G-I35 64 GB Pen Drive(Black) on BidBuddy at the lowest price with assured savings and cashback !

₹ 459 ₹ 800

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Product Details

Sales Package: "1 Pen Drive"
Model Name: "SDCZ48-064G-I35"
Supported OS: "Windows"
Net Quantity: "1"

Covered in Warranty: "Manufacturing Defects only"
Warranty Service Type: "Replacement from nearest service center"
Not Covered in Warranty: "Burnt or Physically Damaged"
Warranty Summary: "5 Years Warranty"


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